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Went ahead and Gu Yaxin Now open up the computer search did not find the shoes decorative stickers for shoes. If I could go ahead, start this business, nike free run 2 not this father said, the main business field is to gain an advantage you!
After a period of preparation, she collected a good number of personality patterns After both nike free run  favorite little girl snail, Snoopy, Garfield, small children and other breaking hundreds of cartoon images, as well as to reflect the post-80 white-collar ladies love all animals and plants, fruit patterns and so on. Especially fruit pattern, look lifelike, and really almost no second cause. Then, Gu Yaxin began to contact manufacturers, want them to produce their own  paste, so the idea quickly became their own wealth. 
We in real estate as an example;in fact, commercial real estate and Villa Select Highway outdoor residential real estate is greater than the probability of media, such as manufacture. Hotel supplies City and XXX villas as well as some global investment office. Of course, some will choose urban outdoor media. Then the residential real estate would be to select the urban outdoor media and outdoor media, mainly near the flats. In fact, the real estate industry is not the main highway Media prospective customers, then what is the main highway media industry prospective customers. 
Highway through the first half of this year the most recent data of outdoor media sales is the apparel industry; addition to the apparel industry are building materials industry, but the first half of the apparel industry in our sales data, once as high as 70%; of course, outdoor media in the Highway There is also such as cranes and other sales, and automobile advertising, but primarily advertising-based manufacturers, distributors secondary. 
So Peng Xiaodong teacher suggested that our new advertising sales staff . You just start advertising sales, you should analyze your media, look to see where the industry customers to buy our media advertising, customers like those in our industry media advertising. New market sectors vacate the new senior sales and owner managers to consider; new media sales, we have to find our competitors and how their business potential customers are? Of course, each media industry have a lot of prospective customers details of sales: the need for us to chew and taste.
nike lunarglide 3 advertising media marketing training for teachers, the often talked about a point, not everyone in the advertising sales industry is your prospective customers. Our media CEOs. And related training often teaches us, in the media sales, advertising sales staff each of us should not trade for their customers limits. That  each industry have the potential of each customer is our sales in advertising sales in the prospective customers.
Par runshoestle le mardi 16 août 2011


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